Hi-Fi and AV Equipment
Bryston is a Canadian manufacture of hi-fi equipment. Coming from the medical equipment, they have a reliability that is unrivaled in the industry. This is backed by one of the best warranties in the business, up to 20 years!
Denon is a Japanese electronics company with history dating to 1910. Denon was involved in the early stages of development of digital audio technology, specializing in high fidelity audio equipment. Today, they manufacture world class audio video receivers, headphones, and wireless speakers at a price everyone can afford.
For more than half a century, the name Marantz has identified the best in home entertainment. And today, even in the midst of burgeoning and often confusing technology, these components still emulate the vision that originally drove Saul Marantz to expand the sensory horizons of even the most demanding aficionados.
Every Naim product is conceived, designed and engineered entirely in service of the sound, revealing a pure experience of music that is as close as possible to its original live source. They achieve thing through tireless attention to four fundamentals of engineering: Space, Circuitry, Purposeful Materiality, and Technology.
Trinnov Audio designs and manufactures preamplifiers and processors featuring exclusive loudspeaker/room optimization and 3D sound technologies for high-end Hi-Fi & Home Theaters, Professional Studios and Movie Theaters.
Tivo is a premium cable box replacement system. Know for the auto-skip commercials function, Tivo will bring higher reliability and a more enjoyable all-in-one package to your cable, or antenna service. Also, over time, Tivo could save you money, by eliminating the need to rent your cable boxes.
Our aim is simple. We want to bring you closer to the music you love, to feel every note, to experience your music with a clarity and power unlike anything you’ve ever heard.
Our philosophy is simple too. We don’t make anything unless it’s better than what’s available elsewhere. For us, “good enough” isn’t good enough.